Paper Title
Impact Of Value Added Tax (Vat) On Government Revenue And Economic Growth In Nigeria

This research empirically investigated the relationship between value added tax, government total revenue and gross domestic product; as a means of assessing the impact of value added tax on government revenue generation ant the impact of value added tax on economic performance of the Nigerian economy between 1994 and 2014.Using secondary data obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin (2014). Relevant econometric techniques were adopted in analysing the data for this study and it was observed that all the variables were stationary at their first differences, using the Phillip-Perron unit root test; Correlation test was also conducted to ascertain the strength of their relationship; we further conducted the Descriptive Statistic test, then the regression result showing the empirical relationship between the investigating variables and the direction of causality between the variables was ascertained using the Pairwise Granger Causality test. The study revealed that there is a long-run significant positive relationship between value added tax and each of government total revenue and gross domestic product in Nigeria over the period under review. This study therefore recommends that more attention should be given to value added tax as it is an instrument for stimulating greater revenue generation and economic growth in Nigeria. There is need also for the application of Information technology otherwise known as “ICT” which is seen as the hallmark of the 21st century; in all tax offices in Nigeria thereby making it possible for tax payers and tax authorities to declare uniform and consistent claims to avoid tax evasion in the country. And to promote tax awareness, understanding and compliance among both potential and existing tax payers, government and her agencies should bring to fore the knowledge, the nature and types of tax under the Nigerian tax laws; so as to achieve increase revenue and economic growth in Nigeria. Keywords- Tax System, Value Added Tax, Government Total Revenue, Economic growth,