Paper Title
Opinions of Parents on the Values to be Earned in the Elementary Level Social Studies Classes
A society is formed so by the way of values, which are not innate in essence. Values are learned via experience
upon observation and interaction. Two institutions become significant in teaching values that are the family and the school,
both of which play a major role in providing these values to the society. This research aims to establish the opinions of families
concerning the values to be provided to the children in schools. In this regard, the opinions of families are sought with respect
to the way families see the concept of value, values that they perceive as deteriorated in the society, and where, when and how
these values should be provided to the children. Changes observed on the children after they began school are examined. In
order to collect the necessary data, negotiation method as a qualitative technique is employed. Findings, results and relevant
suggestions are included in the paper in elaborate detail.
Index Terms—Character Education, Ethics Education, Moral Education, Parent Education, Value Education.