Paper Title
F-Multicriteria Based Decision Support System For Road Repair and Maintenance (Case Study: Three Areas in Tangerang Selatan, Province Banten, Indonesia)
Exclusively in Indonesia, management of road repair and maintenance is not effectively governed. To select
damaged roads in one areathat have to be repaired or maintained is occasionally executed without objective priority and
importance.A decision support system based on fuzzy-weighted criteria (f-multicriteria) and full-factorial optimization
methods was initiated to support decision makers to take an objective decision. The concept of fuzzy-logic was used to
prioritize the parameters used in the model through expert’s justification. The full-factorial optimization method used to
select the best solution alternative. The recommended decision considers eleven direct fundamental and numerous
interconnected decision parameters(e.g. road type, status, capacity, damage level, economic value, etc.) and strongly
associates with deciding which a damaged road has to be repaired and maintained first and which one becomeshereafter.
Paper shows the model formulation and system configuration that are applied in solving the problem for three real cases in
area Tangerang Selatan, Province Banten, Indonesia.
Keywords— Decision Support System, Road Repair and Maintenance, Fuzzy Criteria, Optimization.