Paper Title
Elections in Indonesia After The Fall Of Soeharto
This paper focuses on the elections in Indonesia after the fall of Soeharto. This studyinvestigates the relationship
between elections and democratic development in Indonesia after 1998. Method of this paper is qualitative especially based
on the library research. The result describes that since 1999, Indonesian citizens have elected the district parliament and also
Indonesia had a different system to select the President. In 2004, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was successful in
winning the first direct presidential election. PDI-P become the largest faction. Megawati is a leader of PDI-P won and
become Indonesian President for three years. In 2009, Yudhoyono beat Megawati in the presidential election to secure his
second term. Partai Demokrat secured 60 percent of the votes in the legislative elections. Then, in the presidential election
2014, Indonesian citizens chose Joko Widodo ad Jusuf Kalla. Joko Widodo as the president candidate of PDI-P secured 19+
percent of the votes. For the conclusion shows that democracy in Indonesia has taken another step forward with the direct
election to the Indonesian presidency and the People’s Representative body.
Keywords- Democracy, Indonesian Citizen, Library Research. Parliament, Presidential Election