Paper Title
Light Effect in Education System: A Comparative Study

Light is the primary sight scent. Everyone gifted with sight can attest to this fact[1], in darkness we can't see the space and shape and the color, light is not just about physical cogency but it has effect on humans life too[2]. Light is a topic that in each period of time gives a sense and special meaning to architecture and life, it is a part of building material and with the volume, facade and shape they give figure to it, and each are completing the others. There are two types of light: natural light and artificial light. The introduction of innovative, advanced day lighting strategies and systems can considerably reduce a building’s electricity consumption and also significantly improve the quality of light in an indoor environment day. Lighting is the practice of using natural light to provide illumination in interior environments. The current paper will discuss about importance of light and how the light can effect in education system. The paper will compare a building in two different locations and the effect of light in that educational building.