Paper Title
A Theoretical Framework for Relationship Between Graphic Appearance and Students' Experiences

This paper considering the effect of visual design on students' learning experiences. In determining a particular visual design principles of educational games, its require a further analysis within the students' motivation, engagement and enjoyment. A theoretical framework is proposed in understanding the students' experience outcomes by placing three different graphic styles (abstract, stylized and realistic) based on theExperience Based Design Graphic Style (EBDGS) technique. In this paper, theoretical framework was closely relating to graphic styles assessment, students' preferences based on demografic factors (gender,type of schools and area) and the resulting experiences in the gaming environment. Furthermore, the reliability of the Experience Based Design Graphic Style (EBDGS) instrument and validity of each graphic style is tested through the Student Experience in Graphic Measurement Scale (SEIGMS). This framework provide a basic understanding and suggestions for the graphic style aspects with relevant experience outcomes that contributes for the game designers and educators to construct an educational games that meet the Malaysian students' needs. Keywords: Educational Games, Graphic Styles, Students’ Experiences