Paper Title
Information Technology in Arabic Linguistic – Arabic Read and Write
In this paper, authors present a desktop application called as “Arabic Read And Write”, developed by students
that helps the user to learn Arabic. Most of the similar applications available in the market are either web application or
commercial, which means, they provide none or limited functionalities for free or cannot be downloaded and practiced
offline. Our application breaks this restriction and provides all of the features, free of cost and offline access. This is a major
advantage. As this application is computer based it overrides the traditional method of slate-pencil teaching, which also
implements the paperless and pollution free environment. There are several advantages of this application those are
explained detail in the paper chapters. One of the future works of this application is to develop another application that helps
to develop command over Arabic vocabulary. This application will also serve as a platform for others to develop application
for other languages also. The authors have no objection in making this project as open source and hence can be improved by
public. Apart from linguistic and social advantages, the application has many computing resource advantage, one of them
being less size of the installer file. All of the properties, advantages, uses and future work of this application explained in the
following sections make this as a promising start.
Keywords - Computational linguistics, Language tools, Arabic language, Information Technology.