Paper Title
Linking Open Innovation and NPD Process Capabilities: The Role of Organizational Structure

The corepoint of this studyremains to scrutinize the relationships betweenOI, organizational structure and soNew Product Development (NPD) process. This paperprovides a model in examining the controllingpart of organizational structure influencesamongstOI and potentials of NPD developmentcontaining development, planning, commercialization and marketing. The mainpoint is on the impact of OIover theNPD process skills with anattentionto the part of organizational features. The PROCESS of Hayes along with the Regression analysis wasapplied to assess the theory in a model of 126 firms in Technology Park of Malaysia. Findingsreveal that, formalization controls the connection amongstthe OI and various points of NPD process. Instead, complexity manages the mattersexcluding marketing while centralization manages just in planning. Keywords: Open Innovation, Formalization, New Product Development, Complexity and Centralization