Paper Title
Psychological Wellbeing among Diabetes Mellitus Patients

Background: Psychological well-being is a very subjective term but form all the research that has been carried out, the term is used throughout the health industry as kind of a ‘catch-all phrase’ meaning contentment, satisfaction with all elements of life, self-actualization , peace and happiness. Well-being in diabetic patients is associated with the perception of their ability to cope with the demands of diabetes and its treatment, to sustain social relationships, and to prevent the onset of complications in order to yield greater life satisfaction (Eiser et al., 2001).Objectives: 1. To assess psychological wellbeing among diabetic patients both male and female working in sedentary and non sedentary jobs. 2.To examine the difference if any between patients practicing exercise and non practicing exercises and both type1 and type2 categories . Sample: The sample for the present study consists of 400 diabetic patients who attending for treatment in and around tirupati city were selected for the present study. Results: The male and female patients found no difference in the level of psychological wellbeing was found . The study also revealed that there are differences between patients of sedentary and non sedentary jobs with regard to their psychological wellbeing. Further, the Study also indicates that there are differences between patients with exercises and without exercises with regard to their psychological wellbeing. Keywords - Psychological Wellbeing,Diabetes Mellitus, Self-Actualization