Paper Title
Measurement of The Economic Benefits of Information Systems / Information Technology in Small and Medium Industries

At present, almost every organization needs Information Systems / Information Technology (IS / IT) to support operational activities to improve profitability. The same thing also happened in the small and medium industries, especially in Central Java province which is the manufacturing industry. However, many industries are not aware of the issues surrounding IT investments. In fact, there are implementations of IS / IT is sorely lacking in providing the results or benefits in accordance with the costs incurred. Based on this, it is necessary to assess the analysis and processes so that small and medium industry in Central Java province got a clear description regarding the feasibility of the implementation of the IS / IT is. In order to analyze it can use the framework of Val-IT and Ranti's Generic IS/IT Business Value. Val-IT framework and methods Ranti's Generic IS / IT Business Value aims to quantify the economic benefits of the implementation of SI / IT conducted by small and medium industries. The process of measuring the economic benefits of IS / IT produces a causal relationship to the business benefits available to describe the mapping of business benefits. Keywords- Economic Benefits, Information Systems, Information Technology, Val-IT Framework, Ranti's Generic IS / IT Business Value, Small and Medium Industry.