Paper Title
Dfferent Views from Different Positions Toward the Preferable Qualifications of Business English Graduates

This study is to investigate the preferable qualifications of Business English graduates between the needs of recruitment teams and working staff in various businesses. Data was collected by using closed-end questionnaires from 91 people who work in various workplaces such as government office, state enterprise, private company, tourism business, airline business, hotel business and logistic business, etc. The questionnaire is designed based on the five aspects of learning deriving from Thai Qualifications Framework (TQF): ethical and moral; knowledge; cognitive skills; interpersonal skills and responsibility; and technical skills including numerical analysis, communication and information technology. The results indicate that the views from the two groups of respondents toward preferable qualifications of the graduates vary. This study also suggests the overall and specific qualifications in business world the Business English graduates encounter both in job application and in work. Keywords: Thai Qualifications Framework, Higher Education, the needs of entrepreneur, preferable qualification, Business English, Business English graduates