Paper Title :The Impact of Sociolegalogy in the Transfusion of Law and Justice Into Society
Author :Sunday E. Edeko
Article Citation :Sunday E. Edeko ,
(2018 ) " The Impact of Sociolegalogy in the Transfusion of Law and Justice Into Society " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 1-5,
Abstract : Sociolegalogy is an essential field of study. By way of definition, sociolegalogy is the transfusion of law and
justice to human society. It is equally a transfusion of human society into legal institutions. The major aim of this research is
to examine the extent to which the survival of human society depends upon the degree of legal infusion and transfusion.
Another aim is to determine how human activities refine the law to the level desirable for the betterment of mankind. Also, it
aims to determine the degree of legal transfusion in determining the impact of law on human capital development and
justice. It is recommended that in view of the adverse effects of inadequate legal transfusion, societies in quest of security,
justice, progress, development and peace must seek adequate measures necessary for total transfusion of law into human
society and the transfusion of basic societal issues into the law.
Key Word - Sociolegalogy, .social dynamics, Social statics, legal dynamics
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-08-29 |