Paper Title :Work Stress among Employees of State Bank of India: A Study of Karimganj District, Assam
Author :Fazlul Karim,N. Rokendro Singh
Article Citation :Fazlul Karim ,N. Rokendro Singh ,
(2018 ) " Work Stress among Employees of State Bank of India: A Study of Karimganj District, Assam " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 55-60,
Abstract : Work stress is one of the most costly health issues. Stress upsets the balance of an individual and adversely
affects his/her physical and psychological well being. This study is directed towards finding out the level of work stress
among employees of State Bank of India working in different branches of Karimganj district, Assam. During the past decade
, the banking sector has undergone rapid and striking changes like policy changes due to globalization and liberalization,
increased competition due to the entrance of more private sector banks, downsizing, introduction of new technologies and
very recently demonetization and GST. Due to this changes, the employees in banking sector are experiencing high level of
stress. In light of the above, the present study attempts to focus on the various problems of work stress among State Bank of
India. A sample of 84 employees was considered through simple random sampling. For meeting the objectives, Occupational
Stress Index (OSI) constructed by Srivastav and Singh was used in the study. The 46 items questionnaire is categorized into
12 sub-scales namely role overload, role ambiguity, role conflict, unreasonable group and political pressures, persons, under
participation, powerlessness, poor peer relations, intrinsic impoverishment, low status, strenuous working conditions and un
profitability. The result obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study concluded that the employees of select
bank are experiencing high degree of stress with respect to the dimension of role overload, powerlessness, under
participation, unprofitability.
Keywords - Occupational Stress Index (OSI), Stress Role Overload, Role Ambiguity, Bank Employees, State Bank of India
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-08-29 |