Paper Title :Marketing Strategy to Increase Office Canteen Sales (Case: Aldeoz Cantina)
Author :Ima Rachmania Sari, S.H.,Aldo Fantinus Wiyana
Article Citation :Ima Rachmania Sari ,S.H. ,Aldo Fantinus Wiyana ,
(2018 ) " Marketing Strategy to Increase Office Canteen Sales (Case: Aldeoz Cantina) " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 87-91,
Abstract : Food is the main requirement to support all human activities because it serves as a source of energy that nutrients
needed by the body. In the Warung Buncit Street South Jakarta area there is still a small amount of canteen open. Aldeoz
Cantina is a new venture in the culinary field especially canteen in an office building that established on July 2017 This
research explores how to increasing sales office canteen. Primary data is collected by customer interview who work in the
Warung Buncit area. The interview’s results are analyzed using segmenting, targeting, and positioning. After that using
marketing mix and for the promotion how to attract the customer is using AISAS ARCAS model.
Index Terms - Office canteen, marketing strategy, increasing sales.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-08-29 |