Paper Title :Leadership Framework in Kindergarten Education
Author :Joanne Marie Igoy-Escalona
Article Citation :Joanne Marie Igoy-Escalona ,
(2018 ) " Leadership Framework in Kindergarten Education " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 31-46,
Abstract : This study investigated the current status of leadership in kindergarten education with an end-in-view of proposing
a Leadership Framework in Kindergarten Education. The performance of leadership roles and responsibilities in the six key
components by school heads from public and private schools and the traits and leadership styles they exemplified was looked
into. This study made use of quantitative and qualitative research. The perceptions of the school heads and the kindergarten
teachers were obtained through questionnaires and interviews. The number of participants in the study was 265. The
difference in the perceptions of the participants was computed using the z-test. Results showed that the school heads were
guided by RA No. 10157 (Kindergarten Education Act) in the performance of their roles and responsibilities. The professional
traits exemplified by the school heads include: having a clear understanding of the vision, mission and goals of the program,
maintaining one’s integrity, treating others with respect and supports staff and their professional development. The personal
traits include: committed, dedicated, nurturing, kind, trustworthy, honest, and being a visionary. The leadership styles
employed were: Distributive, Pedagogical, Contextual, Principle-centered and Transformational. The challenges encountered
by school heads from public schools were: the lack of funds for the improvement of physical environment and for the purchase
of instructional materials, the insufficient supply of resources and the shortage of qualified kindergarten teachers while in
private schools these were the negative reactions of parents towards a play-based execution of the lessons; and the confusion
in the use of the Mother Tongue as medium of instruction. Based on the results, it is recommended that teachers should qualify
themselves in the field, leadership responsibilities should be shared with other stakeholders, linkages with them must be
established and a playground for kindergarten pupils should be present in the program.
Index Terms - Kindergarten Education, Leadership Roles, curriculum, school heads, kindergarten teachers, challenges
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-08-30 |