Paper Title :Proposed New Marketing Strategy for Band Merchandise Business (Case: Mustache and Beard Merchandise)
Author :Helmiwati Gloria Siregar, S.Si., Dina Dellyana, Apt.
Article Citation :Helmiwati Gloria Siregar ,S.Si. ,Dina Dellyana ,Apt. ,
(2018 ) " Proposed New Marketing Strategy for Band Merchandise Business (Case: Mustache and Beard Merchandise) " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 106-109,
Abstract : For a long time, bands and artists used their brand to increase the number of revenue streams via different passive
income sources such as sales of merchandise. This phenomenon also happened to one of an indie folk band called Mustache
and Beard. This research is conducted to propose new marketing strategy based on quantitative research by questionnaire,
which is spread to the Mustache and Beard’s fans. The purpose of the questionnaire is to gain insights based on influencing
variables of consumer purchase decision process toward band merchandise. The results of the questionnaire are analyzed
using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to know which one is the most influencing variable within consumer decision
process to buy band merchandise. Based on SEM results, the consumers are strongly affected by Individual Differences
variable in considering their decision to buy band merchandise. Therefore, this research will propose the new marketing
strategy based on the Individual Differences variable.
Index Terms - Band Merchandise, Marketing Strategy, Decision Process, Individual Differences
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-08-30 |