Paper Title :Leadership and the Micropolitics of School District Decentralization in the United States
Author :Lars G. Bjork
Article Citation :Lars G. Bjork ,
(2018 ) " Leadership and the Micropolitics of School District Decentralization in the United States " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 18-22,
Abstract : This case study of school district educational reform in the United States adds to the knowledge base of our
understanding of the microplitics of educational policy implementation. Middle managers’ political acquiescence and
resistance to district-wide decentralization and distributive leadership initiatives were studied using a longitudinal, ten-year
(2008-2018) case study method. Middle managers risked termination if they failed to implement legislated reform policies
and the superintendent’s directives. On the other hand, if they successfully implemented such policies their positions would
become redundant. Findings from the case study discussed in this paper that superintendent’s success at implementation of
district-wide decentralization policies is related to the nature and structure of microplolitics at the middle management level
of the organization.
Keywords - Superintendent, leadership, educational reform, decentralization, micropolitics, middle management
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-09-03 |