Paper Title :A Mini Review of Health Inequity, Territorial Disparities and Socio-Economic in Equalities in Morocco
Author :Boutayeb A, Boutayeb W, Lamlili E.N.M
Article Citation :Boutayeb A ,Boutayeb W ,Lamlili E.N.M ,
(2018 ) " A Mini Review of Health Inequity, Territorial Disparities and Socio-Economic in Equalities in Morocco " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 23-29,
Abstract : Introduction
The Moroccan population has seen a noticeable improvement in health and social conditions during the last decades.
However, achievements are not equitable since large inequalities persist according to social determinants like income,
education, gender and milieu. In this paper, we give a mini review of studies and surveys which dealt with this subject
during the last decades.
We searched all possible surveys, studies and publications dealing with inequalities and disparities in Morocco.
Disaggregated data was an important condition for inclusion. Special attention was given to Demographic Health Surveys
(DHS), Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), Pan Arab Family Health Surveys (PAPFAM), World Health Surveys
(WHS), Household Income, Expenditure and Consumption surveys (HIECS) and other surveys, studies and publications
using disaggregated data.
Health inequity was found in infant mortality between rich and poor, educated and non educated mother and between rural
and urban children. Similarly, maternal mortality was much higher in rural zones than in urban areas. Access to health
services like antenatal care and delivery assistance were uneven and territorial disparity was mentioned in life expectancy,
poverty , education and human development.
This mini review shows that all the cited surveys and studies highlighted the existence of avoidable inequalities and
disparities between different groups of the Moroccan population and consequently stressed the need to deal with this
challenge urgently and efficiently.
A mini review of health inequity, territorial disparities and socio-economic inequalities in Morocco
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-09-03 |