Paper Title :Online Scaffolding to Enhance English Writing Skill For EFL Learners
Author :Pantip Limpabandhu, Sudsuang Yutdhana, Kobsook Kongmanus
Article Citation :Pantip Limpabandhu ,Sudsuang Yutdhana ,Kobsook Kongmanus ,
(2018 ) " Online Scaffolding to Enhance English Writing Skill For EFL Learners " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 45-50,
Abstract : In Thailand, English teaching is for English as a foreign language (EFL) which students learn English while living
in their own country. In context of Thailand society, English isn’t always used for communication because the first language is
Thai. Therefore, Thai people lack of opportunities to use English effectively. English writing seems to be the huge problem for
Thai EFL learners because they don’t use English writing in their daily life. Moreover, the policy about English skills’
development from Ministry of Education in Thailand mostly focus on listening and speaking skills so students don’t have time
to practice their writing. With the advance of technology in English language teaching, it appears in both online and offline
teaching to support students’ learning every time and everywhere. Learning resources appear in online learning to give the
opportunity to study and practice about the language. To be a good writer for students, they have to understand the basic
components of English writing (vocabulary, tense, subject and verb agreement, coordinating conjunction, and mechanism) to
create their effective writing task. In English writing teaching which seems to be difficult for students, scaffolding plays an
important role for supporting English writing. It can help students while they are studying and doing their task successfully.
From those reasons, online scaffolding for EFL learners was designed. It consisted of four types of scaffolding: conceptual,
metacognitive, procedural, and strategic. Nine experts who have long time experience about education and technology judge
the suitability of the online scaffolding which was designed. The result shows that all four types of scaffolding are designed
appropriate to enhance English writing skill and it can be develop to be the tool for enhancing students’ English writing in
future research.
Index Terms—online scaffolding, English writing skill, EFL learners
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Published on 2018-09-03 |