Paper Title :The Development of an Instrument Diagnostik Two Tier Multiple Choice to Identify Understanding Concept of Student's on Chemical Bonding Material
Author :Indriani H. Ismail, Sitti Jumriani
Article Citation :Indriani H. Ismail ,Sitti Jumriani ,
(2018 ) " The Development of an Instrument Diagnostik Two Tier Multiple Choice to Identify Understanding Concept of Student's on Chemical Bonding Material " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 1-5,
Abstract : This study aims to to identify understanding the concept of students to the matter a chemical bond in class X PP
MA As-Salman Allakuang. This research is divided into two stages namely the development stage of the diagnostic test
instrument of two tier multiple choice and the use of a two tier multiple choice diagnostic test instrument for understanding
of students' chemical concepts on chemical bonding materials. Development of diagnostic tests includes seven stages
including: determination of test objectives, preparation of the test grille (kisi-kisi of test), writing item, reviewing and
revising the test, trials test, analysis and interpretation, and assembling items into a set test. Identify understanding of
chemical bond concept of students by using two tier multiple choice diagnostic test instrument then analyzed by Certanly
Response Index (CRI) technique. Based on the use of two-tier multiple choice diagnostic test instrument, the result of
identification of the concept of chemical bonding material of students are: not know concepts of 10,23%, misconception
38,24%, and know concepts 51,53%.
Keywords - Diagnostic tests, two-tier multiple choice, CRI
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-09-27 |