Paper Title :The Influence of Inquiry Learning Methods to the Science Skills of Early Childhood
Author :Rita Subianti
Article Citation :Rita Subianti ,
(2018 ) " The Influence of Inquiry Learning Methods to the Science Skills of Early Childhood " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 10-16,
Abstract : The problem in this research is the method of learning has not been effective to the children's science skills in
PAUD TerpaduTerataiMakassar. This study aims to determine the effect of effectiveness of Inquiry Learning method in
developing children's science skills. Type of research used is Pre-experiment. The study population was all children of group
B in PAUD TerpaduTerataiMakassar. Sampling in this study using the technique of Sampling Area (Cluster Sampling),
where the sample of research will be conducted on group B5 consisting of twenty one children aged five until six years.
Techniques Data collection through observation, test and documentation. Data analysis technique used is Descriptive
Analysis and Wilcoxon different test. Test results show that there are differences in the value of children's science skills
before and after getting a learning based on Inquiry Learning method that is the ability of children's science before following
the learning using Inquiry Learning method included in the medium category and the results of science skills for children
who have followed the learning method using the Inquiry Learning is included in the high category.
Keywords - Inquiry Learning, Science Skills, Early Childhood
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-09-27 |