Paper Title :Authentical Assessment and Relevance with Quality of The Student Learning Result
Author :Nurdawati, Agus Suryahman
Article Citation :Nurdawati ,Agus Suryahman ,
(2018 ) " Authentical Assessment and Relevance with Quality of The Student Learning Result " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 26-29,
Abstract : Authentic assessment is the assessment of the development of learners because it focuses on developing their
ability to learn, how to learn about the subject, which includes attitude assessment, knowledge and skills. This research aims
to 1) analyze the implementation of authentic assessment on SMKN 4 Bantaeng and 2) identify the perceptions of teachers
and students about the impact of authentic assessment on the quality of student learning outcomes. This research is a
qualitative research using case study approach. Methods of data collection are in-depth interviews with teachers and
students; and documentation. Examination of data validity using triangulation method. An interactive analysis method is
used to analyze data. The results of the research are found that: 1) some teachers of SMKN 4 Bantaeng have applied
authentic assessment methods in the learning process. 2) Authentic assessment method is believed to be very appropriate by
teachers and students to be implemented in the learning process because this method has many positive impacts, especially
for students. However, this authentic assessment technique focuses more on improving the quality of student learning
outcomes than student achievement.
Keywords - Authentic assessment, teacher perception, student perception, quality of student learning outcomes
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-09-27 |