Paper Title :Speech Act of Helmut Kohl Speech about German Reunification in 1989
Author :Mulia Anggraini
Article Citation :Mulia Anggraini ,
(2018 ) " Speech Act of Helmut Kohl Speech about German Reunification in 1989 " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 37-41,
Abstract : A fundamental advance in recent theories about natural language pragmatics involves the realization that people
use language not just to describe propositions, but also to perform actions which it means speech act. Many previous theories
of speech acts have taken speech acts to be independent and primitive units of communication, implicit in, but separate from,
description and inference. In this study, the author proposes that speech acts of speech can be explained by a combination of
description and on speech there are politeness. This explanation relies instead on an explicit linguistic units, including
clausal moods and verbs. The data in this study is taken from the archive of Helmut Kohl’s speech and translate it from
German into English. This study aims to describe types of speech acts used by German Chancellor Helmut Kohl on speech
in 1989. Also, I illustrate the relevance of this model for syntatic style and to describe politeness strategy of German
Chancellor Helmut Kohl on his speech about German Reunification in 1989.
Keywords - Pragmatics, Speech Act, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Politeness Strategy, German Reunification in 1989
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-09-27 |