Paper Title :Proposed Marketing Strategy for Increasing the Number of Customers of Muslim Salon (Case of Yasna Salon Muslimah)
Author :Safarudin Hisyam, S.Tr.Kom, Dedy Sushandoyo
Article Citation :Safarudin Hisyam ,S.Tr.Kom ,Dedy Sushandoyo ,
(2018 ) " Proposed Marketing Strategy for Increasing the Number of Customers of Muslim Salon (Case of Yasna Salon Muslimah) " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 30-36,
Abstract : Yasna Salon Muslimah is a Syariah-based excellence salon that established in Malang city. Since its establishment
in 2012 as of recently, Yasna Salon Muslimah has a business issue that business development that is not maximum. The
decreasing in the number of customers, deals targets are not accomplished, and the lack of work is an indicator that Yasna
Salon Muslimah is not well developing. This study aims to determine the cause of Yasna Salon Muslimah business issue,
formulate a strategic solution and to apply it. The method used for this research is the Mix Method. Qualitative methods are
used to obtain primary data from the interview and observation while quantitative methods are used to get primary data about
consumer analysis and potential customers by distributing questionnaires. Also, secondary data is required which obtained
from several sources such as BPS, Bank of Indonesia, web analytics, and the others. After the data gathered, the researcher is
directing the internal, external, and consumer analysis. Based from the analysis that has done, the main cause of the business
issue is the problem low effectiveness marketing strategy so that researcher recommends a marketing strategy which consists
of Segmenting-Targeting-Positioning and new marketing strategy as a solution to solve the cause of the problem.
Index Terms - Consumer Purchase Decision, Marketing Mix, Muslim Salon.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-09-27 |