Paper Title :The Internationalization of Higher Education and the New Prospective Challenges in the Teaching of Design
Author :Gabriel Mendoza M
Article Citation :Gabriel Mendoza M ,
(2018 ) " The Internationalization of Higher Education and the New Prospective Challenges in the Teaching of Design " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 47-49,
Abstract : In order to understand the elements that make up an argument for the internationalization of education, we would
begin by pointing out the organisms that are presented as governing institutions of the management that at a global level
specify the criteria to be considered. Not only from the exercise to be carried out, which would be exhibited in the purpose of
educating, but also from the specific organization that corresponds to the factor, coherence, relevance, viability and
effectiveness with the needs of the immediate context; like that of global environments. In the following analysis, the core
axes that participate in the formalization and orientation, both of the constructs to be specified, as well as of the trends to be
contemplated, become evident as they are part of a changing world scenario. The precepts of action are poured into a
growing foundation of interaction and integral participation. Both the disciplines that make up the universal knowledge, in
this case the teaching of design, as well as the processes of assimilation and socio-cultural integration, thus taking on their
own conceptualizations such as global awareness and interrelation, in which the actions of each one of its members, are
reflected and participate towards an integral incursion. The internationalization of education is configured in this way, from a
series of precepts ascribed to actions of global presence, and from which the education contextualized in the current space, as
well as in its schematization and emphasis on the level of higher education, is presents the analysis as an inscribed
phenomenon from a participation in coherence with the prospective processes in the teaching of design, and its
internationalization in the educational field.
Keywords - Higher education, Internationalization, prospective, design.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-09-27 |