Paper Title :Siri' Na Pacce Culture of Bugis-Makassar in the Context of Modern Life
Author :Sri Rahayu, Firdaus Suhaeb, Sulkarnain, Anrical, Satnawati
Article Citation :Sri Rahayu ,Firdaus Suhaeb ,Sulkarnain ,Anrical ,Satnawati ,
(2018 ) " Siri' Na Pacce Culture of Bugis-Makassar in the Context of Modern Life " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 62-65,
Abstract : Just like a tradition , then on down hereditary concept value this always will be handle and guidelines in life
community Bugis -Makassar. When on something generation its interpretation misses, then will impact to next generation. If
happen disintegration to interpretation about this value siri' napacce, then of course will impact to continuation existence
philosophy to the generation to be come , here it is wrong one worries many party including author itself , so must reviewed
back to the future value philosophy this permanent can be guidelines , handles and characteristic typical community Bugis-
Makassar. Siri' is a concept awareness law and philosophy in community Bugis-Makassar considered sacred. While Pacce is
a value philosophy that can looked at as a sense of togetherness (collectivity), sympathy and underlying empathy life
collective community Bugis-Makassar. Second The underlying value this character community Bugis -Makassar, true is a
reflection life and ethics life in socially. So that can also be said , second value this is framework theory life is held as a
philosophy in go through life social , deep journey history community Bugis -Makassar full with various intrigue life social
politics in it , the will not want make value this as a backrest or handle life in p norm or manners life community .
Keywords: Siri 'Na Pacce' Culture , Historicality , Simulation
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-09-27 |