Paper Title :The Impact of Self-Service Technology Service Quality Toward E-Satisfaction at PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)
Author :Herry Irawan, Sarrah Azka Ditya
Article Citation :Herry Irawan ,Sarrah Azka Ditya ,
(2018 ) " The Impact of Self-Service Technology Service Quality Toward E-Satisfaction at PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 1-7,
Abstract : Technological advances are encouraging companies to gradually change the traditional-style services to the
system-based service through the implementation of various new technologies, one of them is by applying a self-service
technology (SST) that allows customers to interact and perform services independently. PT KAI Persero is one of the
companies that implements SST in terms of online ticket service named KAI Access. However, the use of KAI Access is still
fairly low. People still prefer to come and queue at the train station counter. This may be due to the readiness of the
technology and the acceptance of the value of the benefits that the prospective user cannot properly perceive. The purpose of
this study is to determine the factors of the technology readiness from the user perspective on the quality of self-service
technology based on the perceived value that will increase the satisfaction of users of rail transport services. Methods of data
collection was done through the spread of the online questionnaire and obtained a valid result of 422 respondents. Data
processing research was carried out using SmartPLS 2.0 and followed the process of mediation analysis. Based on the results
of data processing, it is found that the technological readiness variable (TR) has a significant positive effect on SQ-SST,
which will further improve e-satisfaction. This research also proved that SQ-SST not only have positive and significant
influence directly to e-satisfaction, but indirectly also have positive and significant influence through mediating variable that
is perceived value which can mediate a relationship between SQ-SST and e-satisfaction. Management implication of this
research is to expect PT KAI company can pay more attention to level of technological readiness, in order to successfully
implement SST in its company, also that PT KAI can see user perceived value as one of the key factor to consider to
improve e-satisfaction of users of KAI Access application.
Keywords - Technology Readiness; Service Quality; Self-Service Technology; E-commerce; E-satisfaction.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-09-27 |