Paper Title :Youtube Usage Behavior of Undergraduate Students
Author :Ratanavadee Takerngsukvatana, Thanakorn Uipanith, Thatsanan Chutosri, Pornpisit Liengyu
Article Citation :Ratanavadee Takerngsukvatana ,Thanakorn Uipanith ,Thatsanan Chutosri ,Pornpisit Liengyu ,
(2018 ) " Youtube Usage Behavior of Undergraduate Students " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 42-45,
Abstract : This paper aims to study behaviors concerning social media, YouTube of undergraduate students at SuanSunandhaRajabhat University. A stratified random of 360 samples was collected. Data collection was performed by questionnaires. Frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation were applied. In the matter of the results, the students mostly used YouTube for entertainment purpose and widely accessed YouTube via smartphone; the usage duration was 1-2 hour(s) each. Each usage was for watching movie and drama. In regard to network usage on YouTube, students mainly used for relaxation and entertainment, secondarily for watching instructional media on YouTube network. As for communication and broadcasting, most students used YouTube for posting and sharing video for publicizing their opinions and experience. From this study, it is suggested that the university should plan instructional development in accordance with behaviors concerning social media, YouTube usage of the undergraduate students by designing instructional media on YouTube to be suitable for learners with diversity and appealing to open a chance for the students to learn by themselves and to increase learning efficiency.
Index Terms—Instructional Media, Social Media, SuanSunandhaRajabhat University, YouTube Usage
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-8
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-10-30 |