Paper Title :Local Government-Academe Project Plan: Automation of Various Offices for the City Government of Malolos, Public Market Module
Author :Jane Kristine G. Suarez
Article Citation :Jane Kristine G. Suarez ,
(2018 ) " Local Government-Academe Project Plan: Automation of Various Offices for the City Government of Malolos, Public Market Module " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 92-98,
Abstract : The development of automated systems for various offices of City Government of Malolosin partnership with the academe will create a mutual benefit in developing a stable and reliable automated system for the local government unit. The project will be using the Open Source Initiatives approved licenses widely utilized by the IT industry. Local Government Unit automation was divided into modules which correspond to various offices that require or must have an automated system installed. With Public Market Module (PMM), public markets can become viable economic enterprises. PMM automates and systematizes the assessment and billing of charges to stallholders and other market occupants. To increase efficiency in collections and monitoring patterns of payment or non-payment, PMM includes a digital physical layout of the market, and provides the corresponding information for each stall and stallholder. PMM allows supervision of collection activities, and also handles cash ticket implementation and monitoring. Local Government Unit automation was divided into modules which correspond to various offices that require or must have an automated system installed. Systems such as Real Property Tax Assessment System (RPTAS), Business Permit and Licensing System (BPLS) and Treasury Collection already exists in the Local Government Unit. Thus, these were not included. The project will be developed per module distribution and integrated in a centralized local and remote server. The local government automated system used the widely open source software architecture, commonly known as LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP).
Keywords - Automated Systems, Local Government Unit, Market Occupants, Public Market Module, Stallholders,
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-12-25 |