Paper Title :Education Among Muslim Women: A Tool for Social and Economic Development
Author :Ritika Dhingra, Jyotika Teckchandani
Article Citation :Ritika Dhingra ,Jyotika Teckchandani ,
(2022 ) " Education Among Muslim Women: A Tool for Social and Economic Development " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 20-25,
Abstract : Abstract -
In India, where Muslims are representing second largest population of the country and in the pursuit to preserve and uphold their traditional cultural values, a rigid and orthodox structure is limiting the women’s acquisition to knowledge. It is because of the same that gender inequality is a common indictment made against Islamic Tradition. But it is not to be forgotten that Islam was the first religion that talked about rights of women and lays great emphasis on women education. According to Islam, “A mother’s lap is the first school for child.” There is no priority for men over women in relation to the right to education. An educated women can become an asset for her family and society, thereby achieving social and economic empowerment. Quality education is seen as a key indicator for the development of any society. It is for the same reason that government have taken steps in the direction through several legal frameworks and policy initiatives. The paper pointedly looks at the interplay of gender, religion and education alongside highlighting the reason for poor education among Muslim Women in India. The paper also identifies the initiatives taken by the government to ensure educational and socio-economic empowerment of Muslim Women.
Objective of the Paper: This article aims to analyse the relationship between gender, religion and education among Muslim women in India. This article also brings forth and elaborate upon the role of government in ensuring education for all.
Research Methodology: Secondary Data collected from books, articles, newspaper, internet and journals
Keywords - Muslim Women, Education, Religions, Gender Inequality, Religious Freedom.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-8,Issue-5
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2022-08-30 |