Paper Title :The Moderating Effect of Government Laws and Regulations on the Relationship Between Contactors Attribute and Delay of Road Constructions in Oman
Author :Suleiman Said Al Hinai, Abul Bashar Bhuiyan, Setyawan Widyarto
Article Citation :Suleiman Said Al Hinai ,Abul Bashar Bhuiyan ,Setyawan Widyarto ,
(2023 ) " The Moderating Effect of Government Laws and Regulations on the Relationship Between Contactors Attribute and Delay of Road Constructions in Oman " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 61-64,
Abstract : The present study aims to justify the effects of in case of moderating effect of government laws and regulations on the relationship between Contactors attribute and delay of road constructions in Oman. A quantitative study is adopted with survey data collected from owners, contractors, consultants, and stakeholders involved in road construction projects. The data was collected through the field survey method in the selected area. The simple random sample methodology was used to select samples of respondents. Descriptive statistics are employed to ascertain the trends in the data collected and then structural equation modelling is utilized to see the trends of hypotheses confirmation or rejection. The summarized results of the structural equation model were found to be satisfactory. The result indicates that most of the predictions are correct because the R2 was found to be 0.77 and adjusted R2 was also estimated, this was found to be quite acceptable at about 0.75. The results exhibit a high coefficient of predicting power at 77 percent which was to be 0.000 level of significance measuring the goodness of fit of the model. The R² value indicates that the status of delay in road construction in Oman could be explained by all the independent variables in the model. The study result summarized and revealed that Contactor Attribute’s is one of the most influencing factors that caused and effects the significant level of the delay in Road Construction Delay (RCDs) in the construction industry in Oman. Thus, the present study has given the following recommendations to overcome of above problems by increasing detailed site investigations, ensuring careful monitoring and regular meetings, effective site management, collaborative working, and effective coordination, proper and comprehensive planning, and scheduling, and ensuring full and intensive commitment from all parties related road construction industries in Oman as well as GCC countries.. Keywords - Project Attribute’s, Road Constructions Delay, Oman
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-9,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2023-04-13 |