Paper Title :Trend Of Online Shopping In Developing And Developed Countries- A Comparative Study
Author :Sushma Kumari, Nishikant Mishra
Article Citation :Sushma Kumari ,Nishikant Mishra ,
(2015 ) " Trend Of Online Shopping In Developing And Developed Countries- A Comparative Study " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 1-4,
Abstract : Online shopping is a direct transaction between two parties in real time without intermediary service over internet.
Online shopping provides easy accessibility, more information and choice compared to traditional way of shopping. The
trend of online shopping is significantly increasing in developing countries. The purpose of this study is to identify fashion
of online shopping in developing and developed countries. To achieve this objective, India and the United Kingdom were
taken as samples for the report to represent developing and developed countries. The study will look at the reasons why it
has been unsuccessful in India and yet somehow effective in the United Kingdom. Questionnaires were used to test the
hypotheses of online shopping in both the countries. The collected data is analysed by using correlation and regression lines
to see the relationship between hypothesis variables. Based on the findings some recommendations have been suggested to
improve online shopping that could help managers run a business more efficiently and productively.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-1,Issue-7
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2015-08-13 |