Paper Title :Psychological Flexibility With Flexible Parents
Author :Peviterjit Kaur Tharampal Singh, Sakineh Mofrad
Article Citation :Peviterjit Kaur Tharampal Singh ,Sakineh Mofrad ,
(2015 ) " Psychological Flexibility With Flexible Parents " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 103-105,
Abstract : This study investigated the relationships among psychological flexibility, parenting styles and parental income in
young people. We hypothesised that psychological flexibility would be influenced by the style of parenting one experienced,
and that parenting style would be influenced by parental income. A total of 400 participants (M age = 20.37 years) from
different colleges in Malaysia completed two self-report questionnaires, the Parenting Style Inventory and the Acceptance and
Action Questionnaire. Analysis revealed correlations between parental autonomy, parental responsiveness and psychological
flexibility in young people. In particular, parental income was positively associated with parental demands. The results
suggested that although parental demands increased with income, it was parental autonomy which had the greater influence on
children’s psychological flexibility. The implications of the findings are discussed and suggestions for future research are
Index Terms—Psychological flexibility, Perceived parenting styles, Income.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-1,Issue-8
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2015-09-09 |