Paper Title :Islam And Modernity: Two Competing Paradigms
Author :Mahmoud Sadri
Article Citation :Mahmoud Sadri ,
(2015 ) " Islam And Modernity: Two Competing Paradigms " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 116-121,
Abstract : This paper will examine two paradigms concerning the tensions between Islam and modernity: the “Two
Conflicting Islams” paradigm resorts to dualities such as moderate/ radical , secular/absolutist, and moderate/ puritan Islam
in order to account for the tensions between Islamic culture and the ethos of modernity. I will argue that this paradigm
conceals the complex reality of the Islamic world that allows for a paradoxical coexistence of the opposites within the
“same” global community. I will then propose a second paradigm entitled: “One Conflicted Islam” which depicts an
internally dynamic and discordant world religion. I will discuss this phenomenon with the use of the term: “Islamic
Dilemma”, drawing upon the work of Gunar Myrdal in 1944. I will argue for the relative advantages the second paradigm
for a realistic assessment of the challenge of Modernity to Islam and vice versa.
Index Terms: Religious Culture, Public Policy, Two Paradigms of Islam, “One Conflicted Islam Pradigm”, “Two
Conflicting Islams Paradigm”
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-1,Issue-8
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2015-09-09 |