Paper Title :Comparing The Effects Of Transformational And Authentic Leadershipfrom The Perspective Of Trust
Author :Pi-Chuansun, Hsien-Long Huang, Sheng-Chiehlin
Article Citation :Pi-Chuansun ,Hsien-Long Huang ,Sheng-Chiehlin ,
(2015 ) " Comparing The Effects Of Transformational And Authentic Leadershipfrom The Perspective Of Trust " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 164-169,
Abstract : although theories have increased our understanding of effective leadership, they do not explicitly deal
with the role of ethics and trust. Authentic leadership is proposed to complete the picture of leadership theories.
The primary quality produced by authentic leadership is trust. However, there has been little empirical research on
authentic leadership, since most previous studies related to contemporary leadership focused on the issues of
charismatic and transformational leadership or the comparison of transformational and transactional leadership
effect. The current study intends to integrate transformational and authentic leadership into the research
framework to explore how they influence employee’s affective commitment and job performance through the
mechanism of three kinds of trust (cognitive trust in manager, affective trust in manager, and perceived being
trusted). It also aims to compare the different effect of transformational and authentic leadership, other than to
examine the relationships among focal constructs. A self-reported survey was conducted. Employees of an
organization were asked to rate the leader’s behavior, his or her trust in leader, one’s perception of being trusted,
affective commitment to their organization and his or her own job performance. In addition, leaders were also
asked to rate their own behaviors to recheck leadership evaluation by their subordinates. The measurement scales
are referred to previous works which have been validated, and be modified according to our research context. 155
valid questionnaires in total were used to analysis. Descriptive statistics, reliability analysis and validity analysis,
CFA, and regression analysis were conducted to test the research hypothesis. The result of this study shows that
(1) both transformational leadership and authentic leadership have positive and significant effect on cognitive
trust and affective trust (2) transformational leadership have positive and significant effect on subordinate’s
perception of being trusted but authentic leadership does not (3) cognitive trust and affective trust have positive
and significant effect on affective commitment but subordinate’s perception of being trusted does not (4) affective
commitment has positive and significant effect on job performance. The findings of this research confirm the
effect of leadership style on employee’s trust, affective commitment and job performance, and to clarify the
mechanism of trust. The managerial implications of the findings will also be provided.
Keywords- Authentic Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Trust, Affective Commitment, Job Performance
Acknowledgement:- This Research Is Supported By Project 6102n0109 Of Tatung University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-1,Issue-8
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2015-09-09 |