Paper Title :The Relationship Between Employee Commitment And Sustained Productivity In Agricultural Businesses
Author :Kofand Anwar
Article Citation :Kofand Anwar ,
(2016 ) " The Relationship Between Employee Commitment And Sustained Productivity In Agricultural Businesses " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 34-36,
Abstract : Today almost all businesses are aware of the significance of employee commitment and its role in inspiring
employees. The main aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between employee commitments and sustained
productivity in agricultural businesses in Erbil. A quantitative method used to analyze the current study. A questionnaire was
developed and distributed in 12 feed plants in Erbil. The sample size of the study was 71 participants. The researcher has
taken affective commitment, normative commitment and ccontinuancecommitment as independent factors and sustained
productivity as dependent variable. The findings revealed that three independent factors (affective commitment,continuous
commitment and normative commitment) are positively related with sustained productivity. But the continuous commitment
had the highest value, which indicates that many feed plants’ employees are committed to their job because of remuneration and lack of alternatives. Also, the results revealed that all three independent factors are correlated with sustained productivity. The results can be used as a guiding method for the feed plants management to increase their employees’ commitment.
Keywords- Agricultural Businesses, Employee Commitments, Erbil, Sustained Productivity
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2016-02-02 |