Paper Title :Production Improvement For Cost Reduction In Hard Disk Drive Industry By Value Engineering Technique
Author :Rataphol Sangkhasuk, Kanokporn Arayikanon
Article Citation :Rataphol Sangkhasuk ,Kanokporn Arayikanon ,
(2016 ) " Production Improvement For Cost Reduction In Hard Disk Drive Industry By Value Engineering Technique " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 75-78,
Abstract : This research ispurposed to reduce the cost in hard drives manufacturing in spindle sleeve hard drive washing
process by value engineering technique. The value engineering technique consists of seven steps: General Phase, Information
Phase, Function Phase, Creation Phase, Evaluation Phase, Investigation Phase, and Recommendation Phase. The technique
deployed to analyze functions of each part. Then, conduct a workshop to brainstorm for the best solution to reduce the
production cost under restrictions that occur in the manufacturing process, the hard disk. The research can improve the process
to reduce the production cost by 319,839 Baht per year or 33.32 percentages and working time for a container 50 units size
decreased in 38.10 second per tray or 55.95 percentages.
Index Terms—Hard Disk Drive, Spindle Sleeve, Production Improvement, cost reduction, and Value Engineering.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-1
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Published on 2016-02-02 |