Paper Title :Exploring Opportunities For Achieving The Integration Of Religion Into Science Education
Author :Azman Yusof, Shafiah Abdul Rashid, Kamisah Osman, Zanaton Iksan
Article Citation :Azman Yusof ,Shafiah Abdul Rashid ,Kamisah Osman ,Zanaton Iksan ,
(2016 ) " Exploring Opportunities For Achieving The Integration Of Religion Into Science Education " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 89-92,
Abstract : This study sought to determine students’ perception towards the compatibility between science and religion.
Science and religion have one aim in common; they’re both seeking the truth behind natural phenomenon though their paths
are different. Science is the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world gained through a
systematic methodology based on evidence. Religion on the other hand is the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of
natural and social world based on the concern for purpose and meaning of life. With these characteristics, we can expect
religion to become a source of motivation in inculcating positive attitude towards science among school children. It can
become a reality with the condition that these students hold a positive perception towards the compatibility between science
and religion. Thus, this descriptive study aimed to determine school children’s perception toward the compatibility
between science and religion (CSR). 606 respondents were picked randomly from the state of Malacca in Malaysia; 208
from National Religious Secondary School (Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama, SMKA) and the other 398 from
ordinary National Secondary School (Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan, SMK). A set of Likert scale questionnaire was used
to measure CSR among students, aiming to categorize their perceptions of CSR into Conflict, Independent Domain,
Dialog or Integrated categories. The outcomes showed that both SMKA and SMK students fall into the positive CSR
categories of Dialogue and Integration. Thus this study implies that school leaders should promote the integration of
science-religion culture in schools as a strategy to enhance positive attitude towards science.
Keywords- Culture Of Science, Religious Culture, Perceptions, Sociocultural Context.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2016-02-02 |