Paper Title :Proposal Of Standard Guideline For Effluent Water In Coal Mine In Mozambique
Author :Estvao A. Jr. Pondja, Kenneth M. Persson, Nelson P. Matsinhe
Article Citation :Estvao A. Jr. Pondja ,Kenneth M. Persson ,Nelson P. Matsinhe ,
(2016 ) " Proposal Of Standard Guideline For Effluent Water In Coal Mine In Mozambique " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 28-33,
Volume-2,Issue-1, Special Issue-1
Abstract : Coal mining industry in Mozambique has been developing a lot in the last decade. Multinational mining
companies invested billions of American dollar in Tete province to exploit mineral coal. The coal mining companies in Tete
province are located inside of Zambezi river basin which is one of the most important in the country. Coal mining industry
release metals and acid mine drainage to the environment and it can affect public health and aquatic life in this very sensitive
area. Mozambique has very weak legislation for coal mining effluent guidelines, which makes the multinational mining
companies to pollute or to use foreign guidelines. The aim of this study is to provide effluent guidelines for coal mining
industry in Mozambique based on international effluent guidelines and drinking water standard. Effluent guidelines from
different countries and international institutions were analyzed and compared with the Mozambican effluent guideline for
coal mine. Each guideline has its strength and weakness which makes possible to combine them and finally provide one
strong guideline for Mozambique. Two effluent guidelines were produced, one for mine water and surface run-off and
another for process wastewater in coal mining industry. With strong legislation the mining companies in Tete will be forced
to reuse and treat their wastewater, thus avoiding pollution.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-1, Special Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2016-02-03 |