Paper Title :Pattern Of Analgesic Use In Post-Operative Pain Management In A Tertiary Level Teaching Hospital In Bangladesh
Author :Morshed Nasir
Article Citation :Morshed Nasir ,
(2016 ) " Pattern Of Analgesic Use In Post-Operative Pain Management In A Tertiary Level Teaching Hospital In Bangladesh " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 57-60,
Abstract : Recent advance in the knowledge of pathophysiology of pain and improvement of analgesic drugs and techniques,
little improvement will show in post- operative pain management in LUCS. Like most other post-surgical populations, the
new mother needs effective pain relief so that she can mobilise early but she also has the added responsibility of needing to
care for her newborn baby. There is no 'gold standard' for post-caesarean pain management. This prospective observational
study was done to observe the prescribing trend of analgesic used in per and post- operative patients of LUCS of gynae and
obstratic department of Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital. A total of normotensive and non- diabetic 111
patients were included over 6 month period of January 2015 to July 2015. Analgesics prescribed for pain management used
from during and after day of operation to 4th post- operative day were recorded. 31.03% patient received pethidine and
21.29% received fentanyl preoperatively, 91.60% patient received pethidine on the day of operation. Diclofenac (78.70%)
was most commonly prescribed drug in post- operative days. Seven different strength of pethidine used per-operatively.
Ten different combination of analgesics used in patients, among them pethidine and diclofenac combination used in highest
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-6
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2016-07-15 |