Paper Title :Hide-Shore Port Management on the Environmental Issue - Case Study of Laemchabang Harbor Chonburi Province
Author :Kritchakhris Nawattanaprasert
Article Citation :Kritchakhris Nawattanaprasert ,
(2016 ) " Hide-Shore Port Management on the Environmental Issue - Case Study of Laemchabang Harbor Chonburi Province " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 41-46,
Volume-2,Issue-10, Special Issue-1
Abstract : The research is to minimize environmental damage pertinent to maritime activities about the operation of lighter
boat anchorage and its tugboat. The guidance on upgrading current harbor service and infrastructure has been provided to
Laemchabang Municpality. This will involve a study of the maritime logistics of the water area under jurisdiction of the
Sichang island Municipality and possible recommendations may involve charging taxes, regulations and fees. With
implementing these recommendations will help in protection of the marine environment and in increasing operator
functionality. Additionally, our recommendation is to generate a consistent revenue stream to the municipality. The action
items contained in this research are feasible and effective, the success of these initiatives are heavily dependent upon
successful promotion and enforcement. Promoting new rules and regulations effectively and peacefully can be done through
theories and techniques used in the psychology of persuasion. In order to assure compliance with the regulations, the
municipality must maintain stringent patrols and fines for violators. In order to become success, the Municipality must
preserve a consistent, transparent and significant enforcement system. Considering potential opportunities outside of the
current state of the municipality, the authors recommend that Koh Sichang be given additional jurisdiction to capture value
from the master vessels, as well as to confront the more significant environmental challenges these vessels pose. Finally, the
authors recommend that the Port of Koh Sichang Island obtain a free port status in order to increase economic viability and
overall sustainability.
Keywords- Hide-shore port, Garbage Collection Service, Environment, Harbor, Logistics
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-10, Special Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2016-11-26 |