Paper Title :Khlongyong Community Knowledge and Development of Digital Media Learning
Author :Patsara Sirikamonsin
Article Citation :Patsara Sirikamonsin ,
(2017 ) " Khlongyong Community Knowledge and Development of Digital Media Learning " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 28-30,
Abstract : Information and communications technology has become an important tool to enhance learning. It is also a way to
distribute educational opportunities to the community, adding an additional channel to study so students can study at any place
and any time. However, the rapid growth of information technology results in the adoption of other country cultures and
lifestyle changes to the point of forgetting the conventional wisdom of the past. The researcher recognizes the importance of
modern information technology to achieve the efficiency and maintain the local culture and way of life by presenting
Khlongyong community knowledge with digital media that can be accessed anytime anywhere with QR code technology. The
results of testing efficiency showed as follows. The user satisfaction had the mean score at 4.68. Technic and display had the
mean score at 4.39. Moreover, presenting Khlongyong community knowledge with digital media that can be accessed with QR
code technology does not only increases the interest to learn and can be accessed anytime anywhere with the Smartphones but
can also distribute folk wisdom and providing local technology for the locals who are interested to be informed and be proud.
Keywords- Knowledge, Digital Media Learning, Quick Response Code
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3,Issue-4
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-06-26 |