Paper Title
Determinants and Consequences of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: A Theoretical Framework for Hospitality Industry in Mauritius

Organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) is defined as individual’s behaviour that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and it promotes the efficient and effective functioning of the organization. Though there are findings on the determinants and consequences of organizational citizenship behaviour, criticisms are raised against them. Sometimes they are inadequate to explain the framework of organizational citizenship behaviour. The study examines the relevance of OCB in Mauritius hospitality industry and proposed a new theoretical framework for future research with its practical implications. Design / Methodology/ Approach: The paper follows the method of in-depth and extant literature survey to critically examine the literature and rationalizes the determinants and consequences of organizational citizenship behaviour in Mauritius context. Conclusions/Findings: It provides a comprehensive conceptual model of organizational citizenship behaviour for Mauritius organizations. The model includes human resource practices, employee engagement, and job embeddedness as determinants of organizational citizenship behaviour. High employee retention, job satisfaction and low absenteeism have been conceptualized as positive consequences and work-family conflict and role overload as negative consequences. Research and Practical Implications: The theoretical framework proposed in this paper on OCB would help researchers and management expert to understand the role of OCB in producing better results for business organizations. This paper has number of implications for HR Practitioners and management experts. They could utilize the model very effectively in Mauritian Hospitality Industry context to nurture good OCB for better performance. Original Contribution: The study intended to contribute towards the broader understanding of the new facets of the determinants and consequences of organizational citizenship behaviour. It proposes a new theoretical model in the Mauritian context. Keywords: Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Human Resource Practices, Employee Engagement, Job Embeddedness, Employee Retention, And Work-Family Conflict