Paper Title
“A Corpus-Based Study of the Translation of Culture-Specific Items in Harry Potter Series Into Vietnamese”

Written by British author J. K. Rowling, the Harry Potter series has become such a global publishing success and captures the interest of millions of readers from children to adults. With its widespread popularity and international appeal, the Harry Potter series undoubtedly deserves to be a significant subject for researchers and scholars to explore. In the meanwhile, the fact that the Harry Potter stories have been translated into over 65 languages has also made the stories an amusing case for exploration, especially for those involved in translation studies. The objective of this study was to examine the treatment of cultural issues in the Vietnamese translation of Harry Potter by Translator Lý Lan, in terms of the translation of culture-specific items. From the perspective of linguistics, this study focused on the proper names and common expressions to express the cultural items. The common strategies used in translating proper names and other cultural items were found such as transference, omission, naturalisation, cultural substitution, etc. The findings indicate the importance of translating cultural issues into Vietnamese to make the Harry Potter series universal and thus provoke more interests in researching this phenomenal series and provide the foundation for future related study in corpus linguistics field. Keywords - Harry Potter series, culture-specific items,Vietnamese translation of the Harry Potter series, translator Lý Lan.