Paper Title
A Study on the Requirements of Accounting Professionals In the Industry 4.0 Process

Industry 4.0 is the system that brings together many automation systems, production activities and information technologies. With the rapid change of technology, the companies that have become globalized have been under the influence of Industry 4.0. It is inevitable that the accounting departments that have an important role in the operation of the companies are exposed to this effect. In this study, it is aimed to examine the qualifications required by the accounting profession in the industry 4.0 based on the literature research. Within the scope of the study, the development of industry 4.0, the development of industry 4.0, industry 4.0 and accounting profession were examined. As a result of the examinations, the qualifications required by the professional accountants have been established and various suggestions have been made. Keywords - Industry 4.0, Accounting, Accounting Professionals