Paper Title
Comparison of Instagram Insight with and without Instagram Ads and Instagram Stories Ads Case Study of Vintage House Indonesia

Instagram have been commonly used by marketers as nowadays as social medias are used as the first and foremost branding channel. The growing number of business owners in Instagram have resulted Instagram to create Instagram for Business and features to support businesses to create paid advertisements in Instagram called Instagram Ads and Instagram Stories Ads. Not only features, Instagram also create a policy in order to reduce missed posts called Instagram algorithm. As a business that is operating mainly in Instagram, Vintage House Indonesia was impacted by Instagram algorithm, likes as one of Instagram Insight attribute got drained after Instagram algorithm was applied on 2016. Therefore, an experimental research is done in purpose to determine the comparison of Instagram Insight with and without Instagram Ads and Instagram Stories Ads. This research is also intended to acknowledge which period gained the highest positive comment and which content type that gained the highest Instagram Insight from the three periods. The subject of the study is Vintage House Indonesia, an Instagram-based fashion online shop. The experimental research type is quasi experiment with pre-test and post-test research design. The input of the experiment is the advertising content, advertising cost and the advertising time that will be explained in the paper. The result are insight data from each Instagram post during the period when Vintage House Indonesia is using Instagram ads and Instagram Stories Ads, when Vintage House Indonesia is not using any Instagram Ads and when Vintage House Indonesia is using Instagram ads and Instagram Stories Ads. The Insight data is collected from Vintage House Indonesia’s Instagram analytics from each post posted, the data of the three periods will then be compared using simple matrix and Kruskal and Wallis test. The findings are: 1) Comparing the insight data, the first period using Instagram Ads and Instagram Stories Ads from Instagram gained the highest mean in all Instagram Insight (Interaction, Follows, Reach, Like, Comment, Share, and Save). By doing Kruskal Wallis test, it is concluded that there’s a significant difference in all Instagram Insight result between the three periods except for comment. But the last period which repeated using Instagram Ads and Instagram Story Ads from Facebook with “Brand awareness” objective and targeting custom audience did get the lowest Instagram Insight result than the period that is not using ads and when using ads, 2) Comparing the content analysis result, the period without Instagram Ads and Instagram Stories Ads gain the highest positive comment, 3) Comparing the content analysis from the periods, to gain the highest interaction, follows and save the content type recommended is flat lay. To gain the highest reach and like the content type recommended are; Flat lay, on model with no face, on model with face and graphic. To gain the highest comment, the on model with face content type is recommended. Meanwhile to get the highest save, the content type recommended is on model with no face. Keywords - Comparison, Instagram Ads, Instagram Insight, Instagram Stories Ads.