Paper Title
Risk Management and Its Impact Analysis Refers to Iraq Private and Public Sector Banks

In this paper we discussed about the Risk management analysis in compliance risk, we analysed performance and evaluation of the risk management which refers to Iraq sector Public and private sector banks. Risk management is the recognizable proof, evaluation, prioritization and relief of the effect that vulnerability can put upon an association. Risk management frequently is utilized to enable an association to decide its risk hunger—how much risk the association will expect with a specific end goal to accomplish its expressed destinations—and in addition to building up the techniques for guaranteeing that the risk an association assumes does not unnecessarily threaten the association's activities or achievement. At the same time, the competitiveness from global banks and improved international trade and commerce has forced Iraqi banks to adopt practices acceptable to international institutions in accounting, disclosure and other management practices. International institutions have starred measuring the health of the banks in terms of capital adequacy, unimpaired tier one capital, level of provisions to total advances, share of nonperforming assets to total advances and the quality of advances etc. Keywords - Area Risk Management, Risk Assessment, Banking Sector, Finance.