Paper Title
Understanding Consumer’s Showrooming Behaviour and Its Consequences: A Conceptual Framework
The current retailing landscape is constantly evolving. Consumers’ now employ multiple channels in a single shopping process leading to one of the common behaviours known as showrooming (searching offline and purchasing online). The present study provides a conceptual framework on showrooming behaviour using theory of reasoned action and its consequences with a number of propositions using the rich literature on multi-channel retailing and aims to delivers an understanding on: (a) the role of attitude, subjective norms and intention towards showrooming behaviour in predicting showrooming behaviour using theory of reasoned action (TRA); (b) the consequences of showrooming behaviour. The proposed model on showrooming behaviour based on TRA provides an understanding as to how hedonic and utilitarian beliefs influence attitude towards showrooming behaviour which in turn with subjective norms influence intention towards showrooming, which further impact showrooming behaviour. Further, the impact of showrooming behaviour has been proposed along with its consequences. The proposed model needs to be validated in the light of empirical evidence.
Keywords - Showrooming, Multi-channel shopping behaviour, Internet, Retail Stores.