Paper Title
A Study on Consumer Preference of Global and Local Fruit Juice Brands
Abstract - The main objective of this paper is to analyze consumer preference of global and local fruit juice brands available in Barak Valley. The study has been conducted to identify the factors that influence in preferring global and local brands. The paper analyses consumer preference by considering the factors viz. brand image, quality, price, taste and availability of fruit juice brands. A survey has been conducted by designing a questionnaire and collected data from 400 respondents within Barak Valley area. The global fruit juice brands such as Tropicana and Sunkist and local fruit juice brands viz. Real, B Natural and Patanjali are considered in the study. The study analyses the significance of different factor in preference of global and local packaged fruit juice brands by performing chi-square tests.
Keywords - Fruit juice, Brand preference, Barak Valley, Packaged juice.