Paper Title
1-2 Supervision Model Management pertaining to Global Pandemic Situation in Sustaining Business Continuity
Abstract - Increasing Covid-19 outbreak contributes detrimental effect to global economy, including to PT. SHD and Oil & Gas company generally. Several mitigations (i.e WFH, 14-days quarantine and lock down) to stop the spread need to be anticipated to maintain the business continuity. For PT. SHD D&C Team, with high number of rotational employees, these mitigations will impact number of Drilling & Workover Site Representative (DWSR) inbound to working location and its effective working days, in other hand the number shall remain the same, to maintain National energy security of rigs shall remain the same to maintain oil production to support Indonesia’s energy security. This research aims to find and provide the best strategy that can be used by PT. SHD D&C team so the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic can be mitigated and the work in the field can be executed safely and continuously.
Keywords - COVID-19, Rig, DWSR, Supervision